People Helping People
Whether you operate a long-term care community, or are a resident, the team at Infinity Pharmacy Solutions is dedicated to providing unique, customized services that will benefit you now and in the future.
Fast Pre-Authorizations
We have nurses standing by to handle insurance pre-authorizations immediately. No forms to fill out. No unnecessary waiting. No unnecessary insurance hassles.
Docutrack Document Management System
Our entire prescription order and reorder system is paperless, which means incredible efficiency, easy access of information and instant electronic communication. It also means your staff will have more time to take care of your residents.
Pharmacist Verification
All our prescriptions are checked electronically and photographed, providing an unprecedented third level of verification.
Compounding & More
Although our medication management system is an industry first (and best), we are just as careful, accurate and quality-focused with your other pharmacy needs – simple compounding, IV medications, pre-programmed IV pumps and more.
LTC/Senior Specialists
We’re more than just familiar with long-term care; we offer consultation services by pharmacists and nurses especially trained for the needs of today’s senior population and community regulations.
Comparable Pricing
The incomparable services, technology and attention you get from Infinity Pharmacy Solutions do not cost any more. Our pricing is comparable to any pharmacy that accepts Medicare Part D, and there are no additional service or sign-up fees.
Monitored MedBank System
MedBank offers a compact, ergonomic design to manage both controlled substances and supplies in one footprint, streamlining clinical workflow. Cabinets are custom configurable and adjustable, providing flexibility for formulary changes without having to swap drawers or reconfigure. The Tower features the next-generation Smart CUBIE™ technology; tamper-evident pockets that allow for secure transport and restock verification between servicing pharmacies and facilities. This exchange process supports nurse replenishment as approved by State Boards of Pharmacy and has wider regulatory approval than any other solution in the long-term care market.